Following pictures show the size difference between classic technology E/EI cores and new toroidal technology of Traftor in a UPS applications from a UPS manufacturer.
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Traftor windings changing the rules
Following pictures show the size difference between classic technology E/EI cores and new toroidal technology of Traftor in a UPS applications from a UPS manufacturer.
Toroidal cores will replace more and more in the coming years the classic E and EI cores classic transformers and chokes. Traftor helps you to implement this new technology in your own solutions. Transformers range from 3 to 33 kVA and inductors from 20 to 500 kVA Read all advantages of toroidal cores solutions here. […]
Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ on our online projects platform here
Manufacturing process for E core decreases magnetic properties of the electrical steel (mechanical stresses, burrs, air gap, etc). Core loss can be higher by 20-30% than theoretical data indicated in catalogues of electrical steel core manufacturers. Mechanical stresses are much lower in manufacturing process of toroidal cores compared with EI and C shapes. Toroidal manufacturing process eliminates […]
DM noise pollution reduction: EI and C cores create high parasitic capacitance inducing high frequency voltage oscillations. It increases electromagnetic interference and electrical stress for insulation and IGBT.
Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ on our online projects platform here
Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ on our online projects platform here
Efficiency with toroidal transformer is higher than with E cores transformers. Efficiency of up to 98% can be reached without significant increase in cost or size. Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ […]
Toroidal magnetic core uses 100% area (LIMB) for winding the coil. It lowers the cost because there is NO YOKE. Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ on our online projects platform here
Best cooling efficiency is achieved with toroidal shape, because 100% of the magnetic core is completely surrounded by winding of material of high thermal conductivity like copper or aluminium wire. Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, […]
Toroidal lamination core: Optimises magnetic, electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. Magnetic flux direction is always the same as rolling direction electrical steel. Does not use step-lap joint and holes. Burrs after cutting are negligible. Does not create extra loss in magnetic core material because it doesn’t damage the material. Very low leakage flux eliminates acoustic […]
Cut cores technology creates fringing flux and eddy current in coil and magnetic core. Inductor reaches sharp saturation level because of the discrete gap structure, requiring a lot of headroom in the design. Discrete air gap structure in magnetic cores increase significantly the acoustic noise. Iron powder core with distributed air gap reduces fringing […]
Please contact us for any free request and technical advice to review feasibility of toroidal winding technology for your inductors and transformers in your applications, or fill your RFQ on our online projects platform here
E CORE FOIL, SOLID WIRE AND TOROIDAL INDUCTOR IMPEDANCES VS FREQUENCY expressed in dB DIFFERENTIAL MODE NOISE FOR DIFFERENT INDUCTORS EI and C cores create high parasitic capacitance inducing high frequency voltage oscillations. It increases electromagnetic interference and electrical stress for insulation and IGBT. Lower parasitic capacitance from toroidal coil decreases high frequency oscillations. The parasitic capacitance […]
EI and C cores create high parasitic capacitance everywhere which : Worsens the electric field environnement in coil, Increases leakage current between layers and wires, Creates partial discharge and corona effect, Requires more insulation everywhere, increasing cost and reducing cooling efficiency. All of them are aging factors that can damage components of an insulated system and IGBT. […]